Monday 11 November 2013

Clean Seas Tuna goes fishing for granny investor cash

Failed fish farmer Clean Seas Tuna (CSS.AX) is issuing yet more shares, following an endless series of capital injections and consistently loss-making operations. In the days prior to the announcement of its latest October capital raising, which CSS purports to base on a "market" price, CSS sharply ramped its share price with the aid of accomplices. CSS naturally pulled the usual "aw chucks no idea" routine when queried by ASX, as it always does. 

CSS is currently maintaining its price at $0.04 during the share offer, which entirely coincidentally would price the share raising at its maximum of $0.032. The capital raising squarely targets granny investors, offering a fraudulent 20% discount to the "market" price for investments up to $15,000. CSS will have 987,000,000 shares outstanding, and follows the standard pattern of long term decline interspersed with ramps. The corrupt directors of the CSS fiefdom also hire relatives and dish out extra "consulting" fees, as noblesse oblige.

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